Vacation Vibes: Strategies to De-Stress, Not Distress Your Summer Team

Summertime brings a whole set of new considerations for
restaurant owner-operators. Here’s how to soak up the sun while steering clear of the added stress.

By: Maia Tekle, Chief Officer of Summer Considerations, Science On Call

Ahhhh summer! It’s a season synonymous with sunshine, vacations, and — you guessed it — booming business for restaurants.

Kiddos are out of school, friends are meeting up for dinner, and everyone’s clamoring for the smell of charcoal or foraging for frozen treats.

But with the summer rush comes a unique set of challenges for restaurant owner-operators. It's a balancing act: bringing in the revenue while keeping your staff happy and your technology running smoothly. And let’s not forget to take a (much-deserved) vacation of your own! (I can see the eye rolls from operators now.)

Buckle up, because Science On Call is here to help you navigate the sunny side of summer.

Summer Vacations and Staff Schedules: A Delicate Dance

Let’s face it, summer is prime vacation time for everyone. This includes your valued employees.

Employees in the restaurant world experience more burnout than any other industry. It’s no surprise that 51% of restaurant employees report feeling burnt out. That’s a recipe for disaster!

A well-timed summer vacation can help employees avoid burnout and come back feeling restored. Plus, a well-rested team provides better customer service, leading to higher satisfaction and a stronger brand.

The key here is embracing the inevitable vacation season. Here are some tips:

  • Start the conversation early: It’s often good to to your team months in advance about their vacation plans. This allows for better scheduling and avoids last-minute scrambles. We know we’re already in the thick of it, so don’t fret; there is still time to apply some strategies to experience some quick wins for the team

  • Embrace cross-training and promotional opportunities: Train your team members in multiple areas so you have flexible coverage during peak vacation times. Is there someone who has been eyeing a management position? Someone hoping to make a lateral move? This is a great opportunity to give people the chance to spread their wings and try new opportunities. Vacation pay can be used to further incentivize your team!

  • Use automated scheduling tools to help: Consider checking out one of the many restaurant scheduling tools out there to help make your life easier. Remember: the team at Science On Call can help you get new tech launched in a jiffy (and help make sure it stays working!). 

Remember, happy, well-rested employees are productive, loyal employees. By acknowledging the need for vacations and creating a flexible schedule, you'll show you care about your team's well-being, leading to a more positive work environment and a loyal, returning workforce.

For a Sizzlin’ Summer: Experimentation is Your Secret Ingredient

Summer is the perfect time to experiment with limited-time offers and menu pricing. Customers are looking for something refreshing and exciting, so why not give it to them?

Consider debuting some summertime-only menu items. HTeaO has built a rapidly-growing empire on beating the heat with such “secret menu” options as the Pink Flamingo.

Got a chicken sandwich on your menu? Think about how you could incorporate summer ingredients or seasonal vegetables to kick it up a notch. Maybe that’s a summer slaw or a hot sauce with a local pepper.

Here are some additional ideas:

  • Get involved with the community: Sponsor a local youth sports league offering anyone in their uniform a free drink. Offer up a weekly “name a menu item” competition and let customers create their own LTO item submission.

  • Highlight seasonal ingredients: Source local summer produce and feature it in special dishes. Don’t be afraid to go to your local farmers to see what’s in season (shout out all my PNW farmers working their magic this summer!).

  • Embrace the grill: People love BBQ! Offer grilled options for a summery feel.

  • Think cool and refreshing: Frozen beverages, popsicles, and ice cream cones are summer staples.

By offering exciting summer-themed dishes and experimenting with pricing, you’ll keep your customers coming back for more. Pro-Tip: don’t be afraid to ask for customer feedback as you brainstorm ideas.

Summer Help: A Flash in the Pan, Not a Long-Term Solution

Many restaurants rely on seasonal workers, especially students enjoying their summer break. These enthusiastic recruits are a great way to keep your business running smoothly during peak seasons. However, it's important to remember that summer is fleeting, and your seasonal help won't be there forever.

Here's how to prepare for the inevitable departure of your summer workforce:

  • Start the onboarding process early: A well-trained employee is more valuable and productive.

  • Focus on retention: Even if they're only there for a few months, create a positive work environment that encourages them to consider coming back next summer.

  • Have a plan B: Start looking for permanent replacements before summer ends. Attend job fairs or consider offering part-time positions to reliable summer staff who might want to stay on.

By proactively planning for the end of summer, you can ensure a smooth transition as your seasonal staff heads back to school or their regular lives.

A Limited Time Offer: Science On Call Is Your Summertime Safety Net

Quick question: who’s minding all your restaurant technology this summer?
What happens to your restaurant(s) when you or your employees take time off? Do you leave your tech stack with your IT team to run things?  Wouldn't it be nice to leave the IT team with a resource that allows them to do their jobs a little better?

Science On Call – the 24/7 help desk for restaurants – has a limited-time summer off that might just be perfect for your restaurants. 

Here’s what you need to know:

Our 24/7/365 AI-powered help desk is always on standby to address any tech issues that might arise, from point-of-sale malfunctions to Wi-Fi woes. With Science On Call by your side, you can focus on keeping your restaurant sizzling with summer success.

Hit us up today!

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